After Ulysses and his crew, hanging onto the bellies of sheep, escaped from the Cyclop's cave, the angry giant hurled rocks after their boat. You can … [Read more...]
Polpette di Cavolfiore
I went to Trapani to find Homer. Or rather, to walk along the lungomare where the Odyssey was written. With Samuel Butler's The Authoress of the … [Read more...]
Insalata all’Eoliana in Lipari
Stromboli After escaping from the Cyclops, Ulysses sailed away to the home of Aeolus, ruler of the winds. He would have passed Stromboli, an awesome … [Read more...]
Train travel, Italian style
Train travel in Italy is, well, different than I expected. Mind you, I've only headed south from Rome and while I have nothing but praise for the … [Read more...]