L'Opera dei Pupi. Or, in Sicilian, Òpra dî Pupi - The Puppet Works We wouldn't say Puppet Opera, or even Puppet Theatre, we would say Puppet … [Read more...]
Fuss in the Farmacia
An eventful afternoon in the Pharmacy La Farmacia is a peculiarly Italian invention. It's not just the chemist shop, it runs more like a … [Read more...]
Conversazione in Siracusa
This morning I headed out early to wander round the Piazza Duomo and check out the church of Santa Lucia (complete with Caravaggio) before the day … [Read more...]
The garbage in Ercolano is collected with a police escort. No, it's not valuable, the streets are so narrow that the cars have to wait, horns blaring, … [Read more...]
Conversazione at the Bus Stop in Pompei
It's perfectly possible to hold a conversation with people who have no English. Up to a point. These ladies greeted me with open arms when I … [Read more...]