The sun is just rising over Rome.
I’m watching the sky lighten, coffee in hand, from my terrace, and trying to distinguish between the bells assailing my ears which are still a little tender from the long hours on the plane.
There are 4 churches within my view and they all ring bells. I have no idea why.
I can’t believe I’m here!
My first day in the eternal city
Armed with a little map, pocket Italian dictionary and bottle of water, I headed out into the magnificence of Roma.
There’s a piazza a couple of blocks away down the Via Appia Nuova (what an exciting name!) with the subway access to (another exciting name) Re di Roma station. The King of Rome.
The glass box affair to your right is the lift to the platforms. The big red M does not stand for a hamburger chain, but for Metro. I must remember that.
I didn’t even have to refer my dictionary as I bought my ticket from the machine – there a button you press to get the screen in English.
The main station is Termini, a huge space with a 200-metre perimeter.
After sauntering across the Station trying to look as if I belonged, a cup of coffee was most welcome.
I reckon I could live here on the station. Excellent toilets (one euro), lots and lots of cheap places to eat, coffee to kill for and transport to just about everywhere in Italy.